Rabu, 06 April 2011

Justin Bieber Joins PETA

Just a few week after Justin Bieber donated a lock of hair to help raise money for Japan, he’s back in Ecorazzi news again. Who’s got Bieber Fever now?  The ‘Never Say Never’ star has announced he’s joining in the PETA promotion of adopting homeless pets and is encouraging his fans to adopt their next pet through a shelter.
Bieber says when he needed a friend he adopted his first pet dog, Sam, who came from a shelter where Bieber and his dad used to “hang out” visiting different animals. He told Animal Times magazine, “It’s really important that people adopt. I really encourage going out to an animal shelter or a place where you can get a dog who has been abandoned or doesn’t have a home.”
Thinking of adding a pet to your family in the upcoming months? We have to agree with Bieber, seek out your local animal shelter or search through the thousands of homeless pets online at Petfinder.org.
Via: MonstersandCritics.com and Ecorazzi.com

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